If you need anything more my email is gilheru@geocities.com Gilheru Rivers of Fire and Blood Chapter 1 -- Return of a Champion By Gilheru A lone figure stood on the edge of a great precipice silhouetted by the full moon. Her hair flowed softly as the wind ran through it. Her cloak also danced behind her. From afar one would think they were looking upon a woman standing defiant and proud against the death that was so near. But, as one came closer they saw that this wasn't the case. Her face showed a battle that was being waged within her soul; a battle she was losing. How many times had she stood on this very point and looked to the sky for answers? How many years had she stood by and let the weight of the world fall on another's shoulders? Maybe that was why the world wasn't answering her calls, her pleas. She had failed to live up to her side of the agreement, why should Gaea live up to hers? Even if the Earth wouldn't answer her she had hoped the sky would. After all, her element was the air. But no, it to remained silent. She would have to find redemption elsewhere. She was about to turn and leave her post when a chilled hand came to rest on her shoulder. The touch was followed by a deep and musical voice. "So old friend, how goes it?" "Not well old friend, not well. Once again I paused when I should have acted. I fear I may be no better than the evils you have just faced." "Do not be foolish. You are as great a force for good as I. Even more so, your blood is not tainted by the greatest evil to walk this Earth. Your efforts have helped to keep this land alive. Without you the Earth would have died long ago." "I do little things, yes, but when the true evil arrives I run and hide. What good am I if I cannot face to root of the problems I hope to destroy?" "Ahh, but you can. As you know, Dracula is once again gone from this plane. But, if we do nothing he will return. Before we thought my father was the root of all evil, but that is no longer the case. We have a name. If we can destroy the demon behind it we can rid this world of Dracula forever." The woman now turned to face her companion. Like a proud noble Alucard stood with a powerful grace. As always he wore the finery suited to his position, the son of a prince. A great sword hung at his hip and a massive shield hid beneath his cloak. His long white hair flowed in tune with the woman's. She looked deep into his red tinged eyes, looking for answers there but still finding none. She turned back away and looked across the great expanse once again. "If I cannot face Dracula what makes you think I can face his master?" "Because you are needed. I am but one soldier of a powerful force. But this force lacks one thing, the dead arts of magic. With the coming of technology to this world the arcane arts are being lost. Soon, only the forces of darkness will be able to tap this energy. But that time has not come yet. We still number a few who call themselves Magi. Among them you are the strongest. We are going to confront the very foundation of evil, and if we are to succeed we need the best." "The best? Ha! What you see before you is a defeated old woman. How can I help if at any time I may lay down and die?! Raw power doesn't always point you toward the best. You are a fool to believe otherwise." Slowly Alucard removed his hand from the woman's shoulder and looked out into the night. A moment of silence passed before Alucard began again. "300 years ago you helped a Belmont destroy Dracula. Why?" "Trevor saved my life, I owed him my help." "You owe the Earth a debt for giving you your powers and yet you don't come to its aid every 100 years when CastleVania rises again. You do not aid future Belmonts who take on your responsibility ever 100 years. Responsibility has nothing to do with it. So I ask you again, why did you fight along side Trevor." The woman turned to face the bastard vampire once again with tears in her eyes. "Anger, pure and unbridled anger. I hated with every fiber of my being. I had failed. I had been turned to stone by a minor servant of a great lord. I had to prove I wasn't a failure. So I fought with Trevor, I fought with Grant and I fought with you. But it didn't ease the anger. The death of Dracula proved nothing. It was the strength of Trevor Belmont that killed that demon, not me. Only under the wing of a great man could I stand. If I were to do it all over again I would fail--again. That is why I do nothing. If I fail I don't just hurt myself, I hurt all of those that depended on me." "It would appear then that I have no choice." He took a step toward the edge and spread his arms wide. "If you only fear failing those you serve than I must make it so that you fail them by not acting. And the only way to do that is to kill those that would take your place." "What do you think you are going to do? Jump? You can save yourself at any time. Even if you don't, there will be no one to kill the others. Unfounded threats will do little to change my mind." A smile spread across the vampire's face. "Ahh, but I can kill them." He deftly removed the sword from its scabbard and threw it into the air. Instead of falling though it just hovered there. Addressing the blade Alucard began, "Tell all of what has passed to Richter and then maim him. Cutting his heel should suffice. I don't need to kill him, just make it so he cannot act. I'm sure he would accept knowing that it finally forced our friend into action. He can then direct you in taking care of the others that might rise to the challenge. It will be a slow process, but effective none the less." He turned back to the woman. "Now, Sypha Belnades, you have two choices. You can go with us in our mission or you can go alone because no others will be able to take your place. So, what will it be?" A new conflict now raged across Sypha's face. For a minute there was absolute silence except for the rushing of the wind and the war in Sypha's soul. Finally Sypha gave in. Her still youthful body slumped to the ground. "All right, what do you want me to do?"