Dracula Battle Perfect Selection

Catalog #: KICA-1145
Publisher: Konami
Release date: 7/21/94
Price: 3000 yen

Front Cover
Back Cover

Do you like Castlevania? Well, yes, I would assume so, if you're here. Do you like hard rock music? If the answer is yes, and you haven't heard any of the Dracula Battle music - well, what are you waiting for? Listen to some Real Audio clips!!

When I first heard pieces of this CD, I was just struck down completely. Castlevania music! Played with full blaring guitars and drums! Holy crap, this rocks! And yes, it's every bit as awesome as it sounds.

The perennial classics on this disc, "Beginning", "Bloody Tears" and "Vampire Killer". There are also a few of the better tunes from the PC Engine Dracula X, and scattered tunes from a couple of other CV games. "Calling from Heaven" And "Requiem for the Nameless Victims" are particularly noteable in that they're a bit slower, more like rock ballads. They're quite stunning, actually.

The authentic Japanese copy of this CD is long out of print, and even the SM copies are hard to come by nowadays. Good luck searching for this CD!

The Music

Track Song Title Game
1 Beginning Castlevania III
2 Bloody Tears Castlevania II
3 Ripe Seeds Castlevania Adevnture II
4 Cross a Fear Dracula X
5 Requiem for the Nameless Victims Castlevania Bloodlines
6 Opus 13 Dracula X
7 Vampire Killer Castlevania
8 Calling from Heaven Castlevania Bloodlines
9 March of the Holy Man Dracula X
10 Don't Wait Until Night Haunted Castle

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Multimedia - Dracula Battle Perfect Selection